Become a Pro Educator
The Revolashion Educator program was conceived for industry-established instructors who take pride in, and are committed to, providing a superior learning experience to their students.
This program grants member instructors the opportunity to assemble the highest quality kits for their students to complement the top-tier education they are providing –– while taking advantage of awesome product rebates for both themselves and their students. We understand that you care about how your students get their start in the industry, and Revo is here to help!
With very few requirements and limitations, this program grants product discounts without minimum purchase thresholds. The discount percentage increases according to the value of the order.
- The products purchased under this wholesale account are not to be retailed or resold. Retail of aftercare products is permitted
- The wholesale account must not be used to purchase products for other lash artists/salons/studios.
- Every qualifying Educator order must contain a bundle of products under a three (3) distinct collections (minimum) : Lash trays, adhesive, tweezers, accessories and an order minimum of $120.