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Revo Society Member Application

The most sought after Revoläshion program, the Society Membership grants exclusive access to qualifying artists in Revo’s network of highly skilled and accomplished professionals.Through this program, Revoläshion continually strives to build a close-knit collective of unique voices with shared values and a strong commitment to upholding the highest standards of excellence within the industry. Most importantly, we seek members who align with the company’s culture of inclusivity, integrity, dedication, as well as supporting the evolution and betterment of the lash industry as a whole. This program was created to harness the collective power of the most prominent artists in order to promote a more professional, united and profitable industry.

Are you currently an ambassador/affiliate for another brand?
Are you currently an educator?
Are you certified in volume?
Are you certified in megavolume?
Do you employ any other lash artists?
Do you rent out a room/portion of your studio to other lash artists?
Do you offer any other services aside from eyelash extensions?
Are you familiar with Revoläshion products?
Have you reviewed all the criteria/requirements for Society Member candidates?