5 Ingredients for a Perfect Fan
If you crave more boldness, definition, and overall uniformity in your sets — it all starts with your fan creation technique. Now let’s talk about how to satisfy those cravings.
The secret recipe for the perfect fan:
A pinch of finding the right tweezer for YOU. Not every tweezer is necessarily suited to every fanning method. Finding the right fit can make or break it for you.
A dash of pushing yourself to learn and test other fanning methods. Just because you were taught one method by a specific trainer, doesn’t mean it’s the best technique for YOU. Volume is all about being time efficient — so take the time to explore other methods that may allow you to speed up.
A sprinkle of education. You can spend years trying to figure it out on your own and hold yourself back from growing as an artist. Invest in yourself and invest in training with an educator whose work speaks to you.
A heaping spoonful of practice. You hear it all the time, and that’s because it’s the most important element of the recipe. Taking clients is one thing, but when it comes to volume especially, sitting down outside of those business hours and spending time honing in on every little detail of your fanning method is where the real magic happens!
And the icing on the cake is believing in yourself and not allowing yourself to get discouraged. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it and we’d be out of a job. You’ve already come this far, it’s only up from here babe!
Remember that practice makes perfect, so don’t be discouraged if your fans are far from perfect now. With time, you will build up both your confidence and your skillset, and you’ll be creating perfect fans before you know it!